You may well have heard about it, it's certainly been around for a while judging by the You Tube vids which date back as far as 2007. (Guess you are not meant to find out about stuff until the timing is right for you.)
Anyhoo....I couldnt find any micro lock or any kind of lock wearers who had tried Mega Tek. However, there were shed loads of people doing tutorials about how to use it on human hair....(okay so far I have failed to mention it is for use on pets....well it was created for horses and someone tried it and the rest as they say is history)
Okay okay dont get irritated with me = ( I shall come to the point now!!!
I sent for my bottle above and decided to read the instructions and 'do me'. I must say that one thread that was running through all the vids and forums, was to combat excess shedding to take garlic supplements along with garlic hair conditioner. I didn't I just stuck with the garlic supplements.
The only shedding I noticed was when re tightening and to be honest, not enough to cause alarm or for me to curtail the use.
My routine is to just shake the bottle then squirt a coin size dollop on my hand and rub it into the areas that need it most. I do this every day.
The lotion smells like coconuts and the boyfriend likes it.....(to come to think of it his nose is never out of my hair........lol.)
I have a bald patch at the back of my hair that started off the size of a small coin some 3 years ago. It has now expanded into..... a big heart shape.....yep I got the love thang going on in my head. I know I certainly didnt help matters by going blonde and colouring like crazy every 4 weeks on the dot. Until you have greys like I do, guess you will never truly understand especially when you arent mentally ready.
Anyway I haven't been brave enough to post pictures. However i have made a promise to self that when it all grows back, i shall show the before and after photies....cant be fairer than that.
The GOOD NEWS here is that I have a little tufty island (as the boyfriend calls it). Long enough to braid YaaaaaaaaaaaaY!!!
They say its good for nails too.....not mine unfortunately, but WHO CARES??? I didnt buy it for that reason.
I dont recommend this product to newbie lock wearers or any one with very fine hair, it would unravel your locks before you say Jack Robinson!
Even with my nearly two year old locks, I was stunned to find 1 lock more or less unravelled. It was then I reduced the amount and ensured i rubbed into thin and bald spots. A little goes a long way.
I 'do me' so you've got to 'do you' and find what works for you. You may decide to use it every other day or even once a week.....I have 3 words for you here....TRIAL AND ERROR.
I leave the product in, others co wash their hair 3 times a week and then apply it ...i dont.
Remember 'DO YOU' and do your RESEARCH!!
One other thing....be prepared if you are using it all over because your hair will grow depending on your personal rate of growth.
Lets just say two weeks after I re tightened I was able to go a full rotation in my rapid growth areas on my head.
I am happy with my rate of growth generally so not doing that again.....just the area that needs a likkle help.
Read all about Mega Tek below:
Maybe I'm slow, but I don't see why you would use a product meant for a horse? Not all products meant for humans are good for your locs, how much more one that is meant for a horse? Where did that idea ever come from?
Good luck. Anyway.
@ Paula: Nope you're not slow! You are quite right, as I tried to stress.....best on the scalp not on the locks as it may cause unravelling. If it works on animals and has been proven to be safe on humans, then why not???
Each to their own, what works for me may not work for you.
Thanks for stopping by and posting. = )
I really appreciate this post and haven't heard of this product but interested in it. I do have fine hair and my locks took over a year to lock where they don't unravel anymore but still have problems with the nape area sometimes :)
I would love to try this on my nail cuticles because I am into my nails and have a blog about them. I would like to use this product on my scalp.
Thanks for sharing :)
(click on my name for updates)
@ rmcandlelight: You are most welcome! Funny isnt it that when you decide to do a post, you just dont know how it may be of use to others.
I should have posted last week, but laziness won!
Thanks for your comments.
Great post!! I am having my locs installed in a few weeks and following forums and boards had some megatek left over. Doesn't it smell divine!! When i was using it, it really helped my hair grow at a good rate, I did get some shedding but just upped the moisture. I intend to use it when i am locked and for the time being am using it around my temples. I am going to refer someone to your post as this is what i was going to recommend to them due to some hair loss. Enjoy!! PS. When i was in braids to make it easier i mixed it with water in a spray bottle for an easier app!
OK,I've heard about megatek. Very controvesial but some say it works. Apparently, theres one formulated for humans so cant go wrong there. I'm watching this space closely. I'll consider using it when you're still alive after 6 mths LOL! BTW what are the ingredients???
@ Mrs Mac's Corner: Glad you found it useful.
@ Ofo: Ingredients? Check out the link to the website at the end of the post.
Aaah I read the ingredients. Is it the protein that does it? Apparently it's also for human use so why the kerfufle(SP)? I read peoples warning against it on NP and other boards whilst others swear by it. Hmmm, Now that I know it's all 'above board' I'm considering.....It might go well with my cinnamon mix.
I have never heard of that paticular brand but here in Tx. they came out with the Horse tail & Mane shampoo & conditioner at first it was given rave reviews but now if i remember correctly then people were complaining that it was to harsh on the hair so please keep us informed about your progress
Hey Gorgeous,
Thanks again for your kind words and encouragement during my current 'struggle'.
I had seen this on a few blogs but like Ofo I've been rather wary - (the whole pet thing threw me hehehe) HOWEVER if you're still alive after 6 months (Ofo's so funny) and you have some convincing before and afters (as promised in your post) I may be persuaded...
Of course, if you'd like to prvt msg me with some interim pics I'd be very grateful too. I'll update my blog at some point with more recent pics which show that things have gotten MUCH MUCH worse - rather depressing really...
Much love as always..
Thank you ladies for your comments.
I think really when a product comes out and you read the ingredients and know it is safe for human use, then you do your research by reading/listening to the good, bad and the ugly. What you have to remember also is that we are all different, not only that, we have different mind sets...if you have decided something is not going to work for your before you've used it, then guess what....it wont work.
So long as I dont have a negative reaction to it and with a mega (all pun intended here)dose of positive attitude, am always good to go.
I am now mixing it with a hair moisturiser to totally eliminate the shedding. I will see how that goes.
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