Ok i have a BIG axe to grind!
I notice years back that the right side of my temple is.......devoid of hair...okay so i exaggerate a little....lets just say its SPARSE. It has bugged me ever since trying to figure out why just the right temple and not both as most people experience due to tight braids, perms etc. I got by, by being grateful that at least its 1 side as supposed to both sides.
Only of late (not helped by my constant colouring to hide the greys) its become more apparent to ME anyways.
I had two issues on my hands regarding hair styles.
1) Just gotta hide the greys hair do
2) Definitely gotta hide the sparse side of my temple.
A couple of weeks ago i read several forums and articles regarding amalgam metal dental fillings and the fact that they contain 50% Mercury. One lady in particular said she noticed after she took her 7 year old to have his teeth filled that his hair began to fall out. And she could only tie it in to the trip to the dentist. Later on she took him back and had the fillings replaced by white fillings and miraculously his hair grew back!!
Okay a lot of folks out there will poo poo this as non sense, trust me I am one of those folks who is allergic to this, that and the other (working on that issue) and i thought apart from the cost, what harm would it do????
This woman went on to challenged readers to check to see what side they had fillings and to note the side of thinning hair. Trust yours truly....i did just that and was happy to notice that i had 1 fillings on the upper right side (in fact my new dentist said i had 2!!).
My dentist also confirmed that the metal fillings did contain 50% mercury.
Any how...fast forward to 1 week ago today. I had both metal fillings replaced by white ones. After she finished excavating both teeth she asked me to rinse. I used 2 cups of solution just to get rid of the debris of metal fillings and when i felt the holes with my tongue i was shocked to find that 1 tooth in particular was so large, there was barely any enamel left. (so folks imagine the amount of metal filling it took to fill that hole!!!!!!!!)
Never been happier to spend £190 to replace metal fillings i have had for soooo long am sure its more than 20 years.
So now i have noticed that i have fine hair where there was none and thought i would share my experience and get you guys to follow my progress of new growth...yay.
Anyway i feel quite positive about it and that folks i believe is half the battle!!
Till next time.
You know I went to a wellness expo here in Atlanta, and a dentist was saying the same thing. That the metal/mercury fillings are bad and should be replaced. I have many of them in the back on both sides.
If I can ever afford to replace them, will I have more hair???
Did you change anything other than your fillings like diet, hormones, beauty products, medicines, etc.
Wow! This is very interesting. Now I will be checking out my old fillings :)
Yay indeed (re: new growth) and thanks for sharing!
Your research is not poo at all after finding this wonderful Doc in frisco who is treating my scalp condition(Lichen planopilaris)I had an allergic reaction to some type of chemical, meds & or it could also be autoimmune or a combo of both, I have several fillings & I wore braces for 4years & I have been trying to rack my brain to see if the time line is about the same as when my hair started falling out, unfortunatly for me mines was left untreated for over 5 years so it has turned into a scarring alopecia (but still praying for total healing)for you & me
Nubian, I've known about mecury fillings for years! My dentist refused to do anything about mine, but when 2 ofmy kids needed a filling each, I insisted on white ones only. I'm going to email you for the contact of this dentist who did yours. I am believing God for full restoration of my hair on the top and anything that will help in practice is good.
@ Sophia:I keep relatively fit with up to 10 hours walking each week, i drink plenty of water, dont smoke and drink less that 2 units per week if that. I also practice positive affirmations in all aspects of my life. Unfortunately am one of the minority that react to stuff so who knows hopefully i will grow a BUSH of temple hair. lol
@ CaribSun & Bajan Lily: Thank you ladies for your comments, you gotta do what you gotta do!
@ Euphoria: AMEN to your prayer my dear!
@ Ofo, its here in Hemel though.
Wow, way to be proactive and do your research!
I never knew fillings could affect hair like that. Thanks for sharing your story and please keep us posted.
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