Monday, 25 July 2011


Ladies and gentlemen allow me to present my beautiful daughter who graduated last Tuesday from university with a Bachelor of Science in Psychology!

My pretty baby!

One down and one to's got my son all fired up and motivated! There is indeed a God!!

I set my hair in pipe cleaners and 7 days later today, it's only beginning to drop. Check out my next blog and i will elaborate more about it.

Does this look good from behind?

We are so proud. Congratulations SuSu!!

Thursday, 14 July 2011


Hello again blog people!

Just thought i would keep you updated on my shaved sides (1 month) as well as my Silver journey (10 months).

From the pictures below, you can just see where i added silver curly hair (not human). It is actually a perfect match. Wish though that is wasnt so curly as when i braided it into my locks, it made my lock curly too. If i was that bothered about 'braid outs' i guess it would look fabulous. It's still a work in progress and i have in fact taken some out as it got a little too much.

Anyhoo, check back soon as the journey continues.