Monday 5 January 2009


As usual the session went well and the following is what I discovered:

1) The sessions took 4 hours an hour more than the last session.

2) This is because, I had new growth where I had none previously which meant incorporating the new growth with my existing locks.

3) My hair felt different from when I had it retightened the first time.

4) It felt thicker and fuller to the touch.

5) I can visibly see the new growth and even new baby hairs!

6) Plus Marie is happy with my progress!

7) Enough said after #6!!!


Angel Locs said...

I must admit we are worlds apart but very much like hearted.

I must agree with Marie your are progressing very well.

Looking Marv as always

Happy New Years to you

Ezme said...

Once again you are looking oh sooooo GOOD!!
Am i jealous...HELL YEAH!!
Your problem free progression is something to be jealous of

Stay Bleesed for 09