Well let me just tell you now that I couldn't get past 15 days without washing....I really tried and the funny thing was that the idea of braiding and banding seemed like a small prize to pay. I was/am grateful to go through that process.....the process that enables us to achieve wetting the hair to clean it!!
What I found from not washing was that my hair got drier by the day and honestly when i put my hand in my hair it was not a good feeling....so in order to change that feel to a good one...I washed. And guess what....if i have to continue braiding and banding for another year, i will do so.....the consolation prize here is that it wont be long before I can just stand under the shower and wash freely.
I tell you like children, you tell them what to do and they don't listen and then you let them learn through their own mistakes and hey presto they remember and don't need reminding quite so often.
We all have a little of the kids that don't entirely go away...(Thank God!!)....because as you know we all need the ability to carry on learning in our own way but learn we will!